Alright, I bought a "Thermaltake Mobile Fan II External USB Cooling Fan" and we shall see whether it will work or not. I simply put the fan behind my iMac G5 and see what will happen, maybe I should turn the computer off by the end of the night too.. so let it cool down and rest.. poor my old iMac :D
The other news on my computer kids..
I bought a power supply unit for my husband's old computer (not really that old) and I managed to replace it and now the computer is reformatting. At least I know it's alive now :).
SO IF this iMac decided the fan won't cure her narcoleptic problem, I will replace her with a PC! did you hear that Ms. iMac G5 I'm so pretty 20" screen!!!! I will replace you with a PC!
Alright that's that.. and an adapter replacement for the macbook pro also coming, so hopefully that one will work with my macbook.
ALL DONE! :D so total I already spent:
Power Supply + cord: $20.98
Cooling Fan: $13.08
Power adapter cord: $17.99
USB Wireless Adapter: $11.69
Total so far: $63,74
for 3 computers :D YAY!
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