So my mac has been thru a lot.. Carson got it as my bday/christmas present in 2005. Since then this iMac is the only computer I can work on.
First my hard drive failed on me, so I managed to replace it without going to a repair place. Then suddenly my Mac became narcoleptic... it fell asleep by itself sooo many times. I tried so many different stuff and it still did the same thing.
So I gave up... then I looked for a computer repair place in town, and I stumbled upon Solid Systems, Inc. First I was hesitate.. since they don't have an office in Ames, but they operate at a residency area. Which is pretty scary at first.. but after I met the guy who ran the place I was okay... but still I'm kinda worry.. since that mac is my baby you know! :P but in the other hand... IF they stole my mac... I can get a new MAC! woohoo ... hihihih *so evil*
Anyway, he called me the same day and told me he still hasn't found the problem. Sane thing the next day. So his assumption was... it must be something wrong in our electric circuit.
I picked up my mac the next day and put it in our bedroom upstairs. It never died since....
So anyway, I really recomend Solid System, they operate in Ames and Iowa City. AND the best part is.. the diagnose fee is FREE!!! so they saved me $80! if I went to other place in town.
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