Sometimes I wonder why we love our husband so much but yet we neat picking them to the T. When they do good stuff for us, we think "oo yeah he's nice... BUT wish he will do it more often". Or they do help us with clean up or dishes.. but YET we still think he does it once in a blue moon.
I just don't get it why we do that? maybe not all women like me, but c'mone girls.. admit it!
Sometimes I do prefer do it myself because I have certain stuff with certain way to do it. But at the same time you want them to help out more. *sigh*
So hard... everyone said men are the simplest creature. Yes they are, but I don't like telling people what to do. I always think it's suppose to be a common sense.. if laundry hamper is full it means take it downstairs and do your laundry. Nope.. guy prefer to see a full hamper and overflow to the floor and wait till they're out of boxer or socks. Then they will ask "Honey, I ran out of white socks" and maybe he was just informing me, but all I heard is "WOMAN! do laundry!"
*sigh* Do you know the dishwasher is next to the sink in the kitchen? REALLY??!?!! yes!!! they design it that way, so once you have done rinse the dishes.. you can put it in the dishwasher right away! OH MY... hormone.. I'm blaming all of these to hormone.
I love my husband to death... *sigh* why women has to be so critical. Sometimes I wonder why can I be just like men... where I don't need to care about the dishes piles up and it can wait. Or they can navigate to a messy room without having any intention to pick up the mess.
Okay I'm done ranting... I bet Carson will be mad at me when he read this post.
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